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Israel Continues the Slaughter

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Good luck with the rocket science

Hamas has said it would accept a two-state solution on at least an interim basis, but its political program still calls for the “full liberation of Palestine,” including what is now Israel. Hamas has also said it must be part of any postwar settlement.

You have taken a few lines from an article that looks at a number of options. Read the whole article and it is the rejection of a two state solution by Jewish extremists that is the biggest problem. Even in Australia moderate Jews want a two state solution.

It is laughable to suggest that Hamas could eradicate Israel. Their rhetoric is just drum beating. Labor and Liberal policy is a two state solution and it will happen sooner rather than later. Saudi Arabia was ready to recognise Israel. America wants a solution.

Bombing a refugee camp and burning over 45 people alive will continue to isolate Netanyahu. He won’t survive.

Blessed are the Peace Makers for they shall inherit the earth.
It is laughable to suggest that Hamas could eradicate Israel

Probably not but they won’t rest or stop trying. Rest assured, as you accuse the Israeli’s Hamas won’t stop with the rapes, murders, kidnaps and bombing

Its laughable to suggest they won’t….and guess what? they will still be housed , fed, and protected by much of the Palestinian population as they are now.

The official and gorilla forces of Hamas are well looked after by the community, especially those who were seen celebrating 7/10.

the 2 state solution has been tried and failed, at the hands of BOTH peoples and will do so again, sadly
Probably not but they won’t rest or stop trying. Rest assured, as you accuse the Israeli’s Hamas won’t stop with the rapes, murders, kidnaps and bombing

Its laughable to suggest they won’t….and guess what? they will still be housed , fed, and protected by much of the Palestinian population as they are now.

The official and gorilla forces of Hamas are well looked after by the community, especially those who were seen celebrating 7/10.

the 2 state solution has been tried and failed, at the hands of BOTH peoples and will do so again, sadly
The huge difference between our points of view is that I unequivocally condemn Hamas for the rape, murder and hostage taking. It was despicable.

Your failure to condemn the atrocities such as the Australian aid worker killed in her car displaying aid agency logos mean you don’t want anything but an eradication of Palestinian from Gaza as proposed by the Israeli Defence Minister

There will be a political solution one day and it will be a mutual agreement. It’s a shame that extreme views of the far right are holding up that process and in the meantime far too many innocent civilians are dying.

In Ireland peace came despite the IRA. Using your logic peace would never have happened because of the terrorists actions.

A final question for you. What do you see as the solution?
The huge difference between our points of view is that I unequivocally condemn Hamas for the rape, murder and hostage taking. It was despicable.
Exactly. That's been the major difference among the contributors on this forum. Israel sympathisers have incessantly referred to Oct.7 as an unchallengeable event that should give the IDF open slather on the Palestinian population. Genocide included.
How can there ever be peace when America gives unswerving support to a corrupt genocidal maniac like Netanyahu.
I said in an earlier post of how different things could be if America took an evenhanded approach to a peaceful solution instead of sending billions of dollars weapon support to Israel. When the UN proposals are put forward they are inevitably vetoed by America to ensure Israel is not disadvantaged in any way.
Like Biden said before he became US president "If there was no Israel we (the USA) would have to invent one."
American unwavering support for the rogue nation Israel has become in my opinion the major reason there will be no fair solution.
A final question for you. What do you see as the solution?mean

you don’t want anything but an eradication of Palestinian from Gaza as proposed by the Israeli Defence Minister

All out war and before you think that’s what I want, it isn’t but thousands of years of history, broken relationships & promises, wars and abuse says it won’t change
Further to that Lazarus, whilst you give a recognition to the horrors of 7/10 your references to the past, eg; the 40s it’s clear that you lay the blame at the feet of Israeli .
Happy for you to tell me that’s not the case
Further to that Lazarus, whilst you give a recognition to the horrors of 7/10 your references to the past, eg; the 40s it’s clear that you lay the blame at the feet of Israeli .
Happy for you to tell me that’s not the case
You know the Israel has been propping up Hamas financially for the last 10 years or so right? If you dont believe me here is an article from The Times of Israel about that very topic.

They funded the very group that carried out Oct 7th in order to sideline the corrupt PA and make a 2 state solution all but impossible to sell to the international community. This was done on purpose and has been part of Netanyahu's plan all along.

As Jewish historian Norman Finklestein (Who's parents survived Auschwitz) pointed out. If you keep people in a concentration camp long enough and slaughter them on a regular basis, it should come as no surprise that one day some of them rise up and commit atrocities like those we saw on October 7th.

So yeah...Israel definitely has some fault for what occurred on OCT 7th.
They funded the very group that carried out Oct 7th in order to sideline the corrupt PA

Exactly, they clearly thought that Hamas was of better quality than rapist, bombers & murders.
They were wrong but certainly didn’t deserve the vile actions of 7/10.
If that’s your contention, it’s bazaar
Wow...talk about missing the point entirely. They weren't funding them to be nice lol. They were funding them to further there own agenda of making a 2 state solution all but impossible. Hamas were already a designated Terrorist organisation by the US....since 1997.

So they funded a designated Terrorist group for years (for there own ends)....and then act surprised when it blows up in their face? Come on....you can't seriously believe the Israeli's were being philanthropic lol.
Further to that Lazarus, whilst you give a recognition to the horrors of 7/10 your references to the past, eg; the 40s it’s clear that you lay the blame at the feet of Israeli .
Happy for you to tell me that’s not the case
That is not the case Captain.

If you look through modern history so called terrorists became freedom fighters when they won. On both the left and right of the political spectrum. Revolutions and wars of independence often began with guerrilla warfare. Unsuccessful uprisings were crushed and protagonists forgotten.

My view of what is happening in Gaza has evolved from absolute support of Israel in October to outright condemnation today. They have gone way too far.

Being able to change your position when circumstances change is essential when dealing with this situation. To not do so is intellectual dishonesty.

Of course if you believe god chose a group of people to be her/his favourites and bequeathed the tribes all land of the old testament like the ultra Orthodox Jews do, there will never be peace.

A lasting peace is possible. Sure it is going to be difficult, and will require a Palestinian government which accepts the reality of Israel’s existence and an Israeli government that accepts a Palestinian state.

Nether Hamas nor Netanyahu can be part of the solution. They are both the problem.
Exactly, they clearly thought that Hamas was of better quality than rapist, bombers & murders.
They were wrong but certainly didn’t deserve the vile actions of 7/10.
If that’s your contention, it’s bazaar
Captain it’s your opinion along with your cronies that is bizarre!
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