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He's soooooo misunderstood.

Well everyone has an opinion and that's fair. I also will vote, anyone else?
Democrats have no brains at all.
Well they know there’s global warming, and know that the world’s stability relies on NATO. Oh, and Medicaid and Social Security, the equivalent of what Australia have. All things that the Trump Party would dismantle.
Well they know there’s global warming, and know that the world’s stability relies on NATO. Oh, and Medicaid and Social Security, the equivalent of what Australia have. All things that the Trump Party would dismantle.
The democrats are an anti-Christ party.........evil in the extreme.

America and Europe are about to be nuked so anything said about global warming is a moot point.........mankind will be lucky to survive and NATO isn't helping the situation.
Well they know there’s global warming, and know that the world’s stability relies on NATO. Oh, and Medicaid and Social Security, the equivalent of what Australia have. All things that the Trump Party would dismantle.

I get the impression from all your posts that you are anti trump and would vote for anyone but him, regardless of policy

on those policy you mentioned. Most people are totally ignorant of the fact that they actually do have Medicaid, Social Security and a host of other programs to assist, especially around veterans.
like Australia their system really does require that you have private cover. Harris wants to totally eliminate private cover……am I correct?

As to NATO, the republicans don’t want to get rid of it. Trumps point all along has been that other countries are taking the piss, sitting back and expecting America to keep carrying the financial burden, which they do.
the world’s stability is in the worlds hands, and the rest of the world needs to step up and pay a fair share.
It certainly appears to me that under a trump, the world was more stable than it is now under Biden. Putin didn’t invade when trump was around and Iran/Hamas were legitimised to invade Israel by Biden and China certainly didn’t start agitating on Taiwan

Global Warming, the issue is how you go about addressing it.

Any thoughts on the border? Surely you can’t think approx 12 to 15 million pouring over it under Biden is a great idea. Don’t, please don’t, give me the dumbarse fruit picker/toilet cleaners answers
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👏👏👏👏👏 But, the anti trump mob will ignorantly fall in behind her dumbarse comments and policies
You mean like the sheep like Trump cultists who lap up his idiotic comments, when he can string a sentence together.

Trump’s Personality Cult Plays a Part in His Political Appeal​

Personality measures suggest Donald Trump exerts a cult of personality over his followers, people who are psychologically susceptible to his appeal. This could help explain how he has succeeded in U.S. politics while other populists have not.
