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He's soooooo misunderstood.

Gee that must have taken you a while. Did you read the articles, because there's hardly a smoking gun amongst those lot. I guess you read them with your own biases, much like you accuse me of.

Your first article just asks an expert to comment on symptoms of dementia and cognitive decline in relation to Biden's slip ups, but makes no definite conclusions one way or another, just points out forgetting names is something we all do, but if it is out of character it could be an indication of something worse. If the neurologist had said something different I've no doubt that would have been reported. Your third article is pretty much the same.

The other two are reporting responses to the accusations, which is hardly an example of the ABC being biased. They are simply reporting what happened.

So in your world Biden just lost all cognitive ability over night 😆😆😆
So in your world Biden just lost all cognitive ability over night 😆😆😆
I've said nothing about Bidens cognitive ability. Either reply to what I've said or dont reply at all. Tell me how those pieces were biased.

For those that don't want to read the entire article but believe in global warming.

Dunn’s national debut has led to new scrutiny, with profiles in The Wall Street Journal and Rolling Stone. He is now one of the top 10 contributors to Trump’s campaign, according to OpenSecrets.org, ranking fifth until a recent update.

Dunn will soon have more money to pour into his causes. In December, he agreed to sell his company to Occidental Petroleum. Bloomberg reported Dunn is set to collect about $2.2 billion.

He’s part of a constellation of oil moguls feeding Trump’s campaign. Oil production and natural gas exports have reached record levels during the Biden administration, but the industry is seeking a more favorable regulatory environment. Its lawyers are drawing up ready-to-sign executive orders for Trump to roll back pollution limits, boost natural gas exports and increase offshore leases.

Loot burn destroy, rinse and repeat.

‘Keep burning America to the ground’: BLM turns against Kamala Harris​

I've said nothing about Bidens cognitive ability. Either reply to what I've said or dont reply at all. Tell me how those pieces were biased.
Nice attempted deflection But you failed.
your avoidance is noted and the dishonesty it’s displays.

As to Those articles and the just about every other left wing comments about it paint the picture that any claims of cognitive and physical decline are wrong or fake. trotting out quotes from experts which mealymouth their way around the unavoidable facts.

The unavoidable fact is that There has been a shitload of visual evidence that has shown Biden to be a bumbling cognitively impaired joke yet you lot have been in dish denial for years over it💡💡💡💡💡
No way did the article imply it was from Harris , it clearly pointed to BLM.
Yeah come off it. The quote isn't from Harris but implied in the headline. Fox is just propaganda.
Nice attempted deflection But you failed.
your avoidance is noted and the dishonesty it’s displays.

As to Those articles and the just about every other left wing comments about it paint the picture that any claims of cognitive and physical decline are wrong or fake. trotting out quotes from experts which mealymouth their way around the unavoidable facts.

The unavoidable fact is that There has been a shitload of visual evidence that has shown Biden to be a bumbling cognitively impaired joke yet you lot have been in dish denial for years over it💡💡💡💡💡
I've not said anything about Biden's cognition, but keep misquoting me if it makes you feel significant. You just deflect when I ask you specifics. No wonder you like Trump. He does the same shit.

You showed what you claimed was ABC bias. Read the articles and show me the bias.

Are you Biden's doctor? Otherwise yours is just an opinion. Unlike the ABC article, yours isn't even an informed opinion. Biden to me did not look that impaired until the debate. Sure he's made some slip ups, but so has Trump. At times both can be articulate, and both can fail to string a sentence together. Maybe I should put up some clips of Trumps idiotic comments on so many issues; bombing the hurricane, injecting bleach, an airport during the American revolution e.t.c.
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"Trump got Obama and Biden confused. He got Pelosi and Hayley confused". Trump has made as many slip ups as Biden. Glad the US doesn't have to make the choice between Biden and Trump.
Thanks for proving my point, your a sad sycophan. Of course, we have to be a doctor to see Biden’s performance 😃😃😃
