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Could a Illias Saifiti swap could be on the cards? I’ve heard the media mention knights were keen on Lachlan at some point recently.

Haven’t seen much of DS lately, so not sure how I feel.
Saifiti could be good change of scenery etc could do him good. Issue is he’s on 750k at Knights we’d need them to chip in 250k for sure. Still even with that mightn’t be affordable for us unless we can offload a number of players et….. Host, Havili, Ilias etc….

Issue will be cap space as rumours are Ilias is on upwards of 500k next year(which wouldn’t shock me) and no club will want to pay anywhere near that for him.

But yeah I much rather Daniel Saifiti to JDB.
Shitili to the Dogs is hilarious lol he had 3 more years to run on his Rorters deal at 650k and the Rorters are chipping in for him to go to the Dogs and then the Dogs said here you go Shitili have a 4th year 😆
Saifiti could be good change of scenery etc could do him good. Issue is he’s on 750k at Knights we’d need them to chip in 250k for sure. Still even with that mightn’t be affordable for us unless we can offload a number of players et….. Host, Havili, Ilias etc….

Issue will be cap space as rumours are Ilias is on upwards of 500k next year(which wouldn’t shock me) and no club will want to pay anywhere near that for him.

But yeah I much rather Daniel Saifiti to JDB.
I would also rather Saifiti over JDB but if we are chasing a big forward then I'd go Royce Hunt if we can get him early.
Same age and similar cost.
Unless we can get Utoikamanu, which is extremely unlikely.
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Shitili to the Dogs is hilarious lol he had 3 more years to run on his Rorters deal at 650k and the Rorters are chipping in for him to go to the Dogs and then the Dogs said here you go Shitili have a 4th year 😆

I have no idea who Shitili is meant to refer to.

Surely it's not that hard to type a player's correct name?
I post a few rumours that pop up on radio in the early hours of the morning on various stations as I don't sleep well, they have been pretty accurate to give them due credit.

Here is the latest wee small hours radio tidbit rumour.................

Apparently a lot of the players are giving Cam Murray huge credit for the recent turnaround in our form as when JD was sacked Cam called the squad in for a team meeting and laid down the law about expectations, attitude and effort.

If true, great to hear.
No the Rooster forward Sitili Tuponua ...but you knew that :)

No, I didn't.

It's confusing, not sure what is so hard about typing accurate names, makes the thread far easier to follow.

When people refer to the Shonks I am still not sure if they mean the Sharks or the Broncs.
No, I didn't.

It's confusing, not sure what is so hard about typing accurate names, makes the thread far easier to follow.

When people refer to the Shonks I am still not sure if they mean the Sharks or the Broncs.
I reckon before you get to use derogatory names for players like plodder, shitilli and the like you have to take 5 hit-ups and make 5 tackles against NRL opposition…..then let everyone know how unfit and crap those blokes you have been paying out are…..
So Knights shopping Daniel Saifiti around if Knights chip in I’d take him rather him over JDB.

Obviously this pends on another club picking up Lachy and there doesn’t look like much interest. Mind you I’m not shocked I don’t rate Ilias too highly not at halfback anyway.
Why is Saifiti being offloaded? Would rather sign Royce Hunt.

Lachy would make a decent #14 I think.
Lachie’s problem is cost. At 14, 9, 7, wherever really, he’s a work in progress punt.

But he’s earning solid money.

Clubs don’t want to pay project players serious coin.

He was getting a premium as a starting halfback. I believe the $500k figure bandied about, as it matches what the Tele predict a 11th-16th ranked halfback is on, which is where he sits, and he signed that deal around the time of the Prelim run his first season.

That’s a lot of cash. By their estimates you can get a 6th-10th ranked winger for that. What do we need more?

Unfortunately I think he’ll dig his heels in, as he probably needs a dev year and why not make coin while refining your game in NSW Cup?

But he’s well over market value for what he’ll provide here, so will be a mark on the balance sheet until he’s back in grade rather seriously contributing, or gone.
Saifiti could be good change of scenery etc could do him good. Issue is he’s on 750k at Knights we’d need them to chip in 250k for sure. Still even with that mightn’t be affordable for us unless we can offload a number of players et….. Host, Havili, Ilias etc….

Issue will be cap space as rumours are Ilias is on upwards of 500k next year(which wouldn’t shock me) and no club will want to pay anywhere near that for him.

But yeah I much rather Daniel Saifiti to JDB.
And how do you know what they're on ????

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