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Israel and Palestine

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The most amazing revelation is that Hamas is on a par with the Nazis!
Hitler was voted into power,his agenda was world domination resulting in the deaths of 28 million Russians alone,60 million dead as a result
The most hateful regime the world has ever seen.Hamas are amateurs!
Nazis,they hated everyone.
You are such ignorant people! You want to believe bullshit!
Thank you at least you have actually quoted me not just falsely accuse me of untrue, twisted comments.

I stand by my comments in the context of what I was answering. Palestinians and anyone who can safely do so should be protesting against Hamas, a large majority of Palestinians did vote Hamas in and it is having catastrophic impacts on many Palestinians and Israeli people. You said I’m demonizing Palestinians as a whole, I did not say that. Civilian deaths most definitely should be kept at a minimum without letting this horrendous suicidal death cult off.

I think we could both agree as would most experts that Israel could go and flatten Palestine? They have not done that, they waited weeks and sent many warnings to civilians to get out ( whilst Hamas made it hard and have tried blocking people from getting out. None of this is great or good for anyone but it all sits at the feet of the terrorists Hamas who broke the ceasefire Will not give innocent hostages back to create another ceasefire!

Absolute barbaric animals.

Thanks again for at least trying to give the truth rather than untrue unfounded false claims. 👍
You are demonising Palestinians as a whole and continue to do so. I doubt you are going to write "I'm demonising Palestinians", but everyone can read what you post. The message is pretty clear.

The Israeli's don't seem to have gone to any great lengths to protect Palestinian lives. 6000 plus bombs in a small area, bombed ambulances, and fighting around a hospital. Not to mention the issue with basic services resulting in deaths.

What do you think would happen to Palestinians protesting in Gaza at present? They'd either be bombed by Israel or beaten or killed by Hamas. Did you see the video I posted about the survey in Gaza days before this kicked off? From memory about 20% supported Hamas. As for protests outside Palestine, most of these are people who are well aware of Israel's treatment of them over many years. With a few exceptions I see these protests as an ongoing outpouring of that, not a direct support of Hamas attacks. There's a huge difference. Obviously some also do support Hamas.

The world, including me, was shocked by the Hamas attacks, but the response has lost a lot of support they otherwise might have had. Taken in context with past mistreatment of Palestinians, it is no wonder.
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Yes, I should have said "some" Christians. It is indeed the evangelicals who seem the worst. I find most moderate believers in any faith simply get on with their lives and practice their religions in peace.

I was discussing Christianity with my elderly mother the other day. She was brought up by a father who was an Anglican minister. She said at a very young age she was turned off by the hypocrisy both of the actual Bible, and those practicing Christians who were, in practice, anything but. I would say I've yet to meet what I would call a true Christian.

The message has been twisted and turned to justify all sorts of things over the years, from Crusades, wars, subjugation, ethnic cleansing. Combined with extreme Right politics and an "end of days" type mentality does not bode well for humankind.
Interesting you should say that Andy,my next door neighbour is a christian and I believe has aspired to be a minister.
A very decent citizen who often asks how my illness is being treated.
Not once has he wished me dead!😇
Quite unlike the Christian’s here!
Interesting you should say that Andy,my next door neighbour is a christian and I believe has aspired to be a minister.
A very decent citizen who often asks how my illness is being treated.
Not once has he wished me dead!😇
Quite unlike the Christian’s here!
I think the latest version of Evangelical death cult Christians has coloured my views recently, and I need to be less rude to them in general. There are certainly some decent well meaning Christians around.
I wouldn’t worry too much about these crud’s and their twisted version of Christianity.
Joe Biden on news tonight said hang on were coming,sounded like John Wayne.
I don’t think he was talking about palestinians!
I feel better now. Warm and fuzzy inside, Just think what a great step forward this is. We can now continue to support the bombing of men, women and babies with the full knowledge that the majority of 'fair go' Aussies approve wholeheartedly.
Nothing better than cheering from thousands of miles away while someone else's children are being annihilated.
The smiles on their faces says it all.
Sky News?FMD this mob are a bunch of carefully sculptured psychos!
get Novara News on UTube,a left wing group they don’t have to lie!
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I feel better now. Warm and fuzzy inside, Just think what a great step forward this is. We can now continue to support the bombing of men, women and babies with the full knowledge that the majority of 'fair go' Aussies approve wholeheartedly.
Nothing better than cheering from thousands of miles away while someone else's children are being annihilated.
The smiles on their faces says it all.
31% is not a majority in my book.

And it’s Sky News…if it suited their toxic dear leader, they’d tell you - straight faced - that the sun rose in the West.
I would suggest that the massive overwhelming majority are
And I would suggest that this is no longer the case (overwhelming majority I mean).

There are many Christians who try to live Jesus’ teachings every day of their lives and I commend them for that.

Unfortunately these people are drowned out by the prosperity cult that our former PM belongs to, with their messages of division, fear and hatred, in complete opposition to the teachings of Jesus. They cherry pick the bits of the bible that suit their message and ignore the bits that don’t align with the money grubbing desires of their leaders.

White evangelicalism Is a toxic cancer eating away at the true message of Christianity.
Absolute barbaric animals.
Could you please stop referring to bad murderous people as animals? Please?

Doggos and cats are the most loyal and loving critters on the planet.

They don't rape, murder, torture and bomb others on a daily basis like the IDF and Hamas do.

Thank you.
And I would suggest that this is no longer the case (overwhelming majority I mean).

There are many Christians who try to live Jesus’ teachings every day of their lives and I commend them for that.

Unfortunately these people are drowned out by the prosperity cult that our former PM belongs to, with their messages of division, fear and hatred, in complete opposition to the teachings of Jesus. They cherry pick the bits of the bible that suit their message and ignore the bits that don’t align with the money grubbing desires of their leaders.

White evangelicalism Is a toxic cancer eating away at the true message of Christianity.

you may be right about the former PM but most people who go to “traditional” churches on sundays live pretty decent lives.
i don’t think they need to be vilified for their beliefs
No decent person should be vilified for their beliefs no matter the creed but there should always be zero tolerance for Nazis!
All religions have their virtues!
Australia has some of the most unique and beautiful animals on this planet except for the humans who are screwing it up!
Church of the Latter Day CIA.lol.
you may be right about the former PM but most people who go to “traditional” churches on sundays live pretty decent lives.
i don’t think they need to be vilified for their beliefs
Show me where I have vilified people that follow the teachings of Jesus?

Or vilified anyone that follows the teachings of any religion.

I’ll happily vilify cults that masquerade as ascribing to any religion though.
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