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John Stossel

Stossel has self-righteously used the airwaves to rail against people who file lawsuits. "We all have pain and suffering in our lives," Stossel has said. "And if each time we hang onto it until we get some kind of compensation, society can't work." Yet, it was Stossel who filed a high-profile case himself in which he sued a wrestler for $200,000 for slapping him during an interview.
RIP Mean Gene - Tiger Boards Archive Forum - TigerNet
"I asked for as much as I could get," Stossel told newspapers, apparently too downright stupid to see just how much of a hypocrite he was showing himself to be.
That comment is over the top Mega. ;)
Actually it doesn't go far enough. While "woke" can go too far, at the heart it is about not offending minorities who have a hard enough time as it is. What is wrong with treating others with respect? As a Christian you should be woke (like Jesus was).;)
Actually it doesn't go far enough. While "woke" can go too far, at the heart it is about not offending minorities who have a hard enough time as it is. What is wrong with treating others with respect? As a Christian you should be woke (like Jesus was).;)
Jesus isn't woke, He is "the truth, the life, the way".
That comment is over the top Mega. ;)
No, it is literally true. The term woke originated to mean awake to racism before expanding to be awake to other forms of discrimination.

Evil people who live off the benefits of discrimination and an unequal society are therefore anti-woke for selfish reasons and are clearly PRO-RACISM!!! Literally!!!
Jesus isn't woke, He is "the truth, the life, the way".
Yeshua was so woke and was persecuted and murdered for it by the racist Romans who later appropriated his legacy and used it to commit unwoke atrocities around half the world.

You probably have a toga in your wardrobe next to your SS uniform I bet ... :D
Jesus isn't woke, He is "the truth, the life, the way".
His actions and teachings were very woke.

Jesus was “woke.”

The radical activist declared us all responsible for our brothers, for our neighbors, even our enemies. His followers created interdependent communities where each was accountable to the other. He was a maker of peace, a turner of cheeks, a lover of all; a homeless, dark-skinned Jewish rabbi, who said that love of wealth would make it almost impossible to really see God or to live well.

Jesus made a despised Samaritan man the unlikely teacher of mercy and the pedigreed priests the ambivalent cowards who crossed the street when passing by suffering.

He preached not about the poor “pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps,” but about the well-off giving up everything so that they could be cared for.

In other words, Jesus would be labeled a radical left, woke mobster by so many who claim to come in his name in these days. He would have been the opposition to be exterminated.
His actions and teachings were very woke.

Jesus was “woke.”

The radical activist declared us all responsible for our brothers, for our neighbors, even our enemies. His followers created interdependent communities where each was accountable to the other. He was a maker of peace, a turner of cheeks, a lover of all; a homeless, dark-skinned Jewish rabbi, who said that love of wealth would make it almost impossible to really see God or to live well.

Jesus made a despised Samaritan man the unlikely teacher of mercy and the pedigreed priests the ambivalent cowards who crossed the street when passing by suffering.

He preached not about the poor “pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps,” but about the well-off giving up everything so that they could be cared for.

In other words, Jesus would be labeled a radical left, woke mobster by so many who claim to come in his name in these days. He would have been the opposition to be exterminated.
This is so obvious it beggars belief that so many people have been twisted and fooled into believing the literal opposite of the clear and obvious truth.

Of course, we now live in the post-truth era where anything goes and honesty is a woke fault to be disregarded by conservatives who just want power and domination at any cost and ponce about in sheep's clothing pretending to be decent or don't even bother and just drop the pretence altogether.
Woke is socialist "Babylon" where the state provides for your needs and people then turn to the state for everything, the problem with this is that "God is a jealous God" and he wants us to turn to Him for our needs not the state, in His eyes it is evil.

Other issues are with sexual immorality, abortion, SSM etc..
Woke is socialist "Babylon" where the state provides for your needs and people then turn to the state for everything, the problem with this is that "God is a jealous God" and he wants us to turn to Him for our needs not the state, in His eyes it is evil.

Other issues are with sexual immorality, abortion, SSM etc..
