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Not a rumour but not sure where to ask? What's with Tallis Duncan and the head gear? He seems to wear head gear to begin the match but later takes it off?
Fashion statement because he's so pretty.

Even prettier than Cam Murray.
Nah, Cam's prettier by far.

Perceptions are so funny. My best mates wife thinks there is something weird about Murray's eyes and that he looks like an axe murderer or some kind of loony.

When I told her people go on about his looks, she laughed and said she doesn't see it at all.
Not a rumour but not sure where to ask? What's with Tallis Duncan and the head gear? He seems to wear head gear to begin the match but later takes it off?
Hahaha I noticed that too. I put it down to a weird superstition.
Must get hot and sweaty under those things
HahahHa 😂

I still remember my first game of footy. Mum had us decked out in any bit of safety gear available lmao 🤣

Headgear, mouth guard, this vest thing with shoulder pads, sternum and biceps padding built into it and even torpedoes. I could barely run in it all. 😂🤣
The weekly player interview looked like it was tough going for Tallis but good on him for getting it done.
Yeah he was extremely nervous. Was like a Koala in the headlights. I felt for the young guy but all credit to him for getting through it. Like anything, he will get better and more comfortable with practice.
That was because Bennett and the Roosters had an agreement that his going there was not leaked, it was leaked so Bennett called the contract off.

Not really a pot vs kettle if the agreement was broken.
It has also been said that Wayne was the one who leaked it once Lachlan Murdoch got involved and gave him what he wanted to stay in Brisbane
Perceptions are so funny. My best mates wife thinks there is something weird about Murray's eyes and that he looks like an axe murderer or some kind of loony.

When I told her people go on about his looks, she laughed and said she doesn't see it at all.
I recall that when we were first married and my wife was just getting into football she had a thing for Bernie Lowther, she reckoned he was a good looker. From all accounts Cam Murray is a bit of a pin up boy with the girls these days……heck even Joey Johns has a thing for him…
Not a rumour but not sure where to ask? What's with Tallis Duncan and the head gear? He seems to wear head gear to begin the match but later takes it off?
I think @yobbo84 answered it best (paraphrasing)

"He promised his mum he'd wear headgear to start every game..."

Made me laugh anyway.

So, according to James Hooper, it sounds like Cook to Dragons, De Belin to us is a done deal. Look, I trust Wayne and De Belin isn't a bad player, but on face value I don't like it.

Hmmm so a few rumors that Cooky is the one doing the leaking. Of course, the club has to come out and say that's not the case. But where there's smoke, is there fire? I remember there was some suggestion of that last year and earlier this year when he was dropped. Hmmmmmm.

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