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2024 State of Origin

The series was created to make the Queenslanders happy after losing for so long in the interstate series.

Which was something that had to be addressed because watching a QLD Legend like Arthur Beetson playing for NSW in a blue jumper was an absolutely ridiculous situation and had to be changed.

Beetson played 18 games for NSW and only 3 for QLD.
Can someone please share the article without the paywall?
Your wish…

They don’t know me, but hate me’: Latrell like you’ve never heard him before​

Love him or hate him, there’s no denying Latrell Mitchell’s gift on a footy field. His critics demand he shuts up and plays, but he won’t be silenced. The consequences are starting to take their toll.

By Michael Chammas
JUNE 17, 2024

Flicking through Instagram reels and TikToks, Latrell Mitchell stumbled across a video that resonated with him like no other before.

“I think it’s the algorithms or something,” he says, somewhat convinced that someone – or something – knew exactly how he was feeling based on the conversations his iPhone may or may not have heard over the course of the past 48 hours.

“Can I play it,” Mitchell asks, as he lifts his phone into the air and closer to the boom microphone hovering over his head to play a quote from actor Matthew McConaughey.

“I’d rather be hated for who I truly am than to be adored for someone who I am not. Love based on a lie is of no worth. I would rather be rejected for being my true self, than to be embraced for the false me.

“People don’t have to like me. And I won’t change who I am to suit other people. What you see is what you get. I’ve done bad things and made plenty of poor decisions, but I’ll always remain true to myself.”
As it plays, Mitchell doesn’t make eye contact, staring into the distance as the tears begin to well. He’s transported back to the same dark place he was in when he came across the video he would later share on TikTok.

At the time, Mitchell was contemplating quitting the sport. A brain snap, which saw him suspended for a Kung Fu Panda-like move on Shaun Johnson’s head at Accor Stadium 10 weeks ago, had even his closest confidants questioning if he’d fallen out of love with the game.

“When that situation was going on, I was thinking ‘f---, I might need to get out of this’,” he told the Herald in the days leading up to his selection in NSW’s Origin II team.

“Just go back to Taree and know what I know. I have a good life set-up. I didn’t really want to go through another year of heartache and wondering if it was actually worth going through this with my family.”
Then, thanks to Siri or Google or Alexa – whoever was listening in on his meetings with South Sydney powerbrokers and members of his entourage at the time, Academy Award winner McConaughey pops into his life unannounced.

“It was unbelievable,” a now-emotional Mitchell says.
“I was at home, looking at my kids, tearing up.”

The irony in Mitchell gaining perspective and strength from a message that urges people to stand up for what they believe in isn’t lost on the proud Indigenous man.

The greatest source of his pain and suffering is the criticism and abuse he has endured as a result of being true to himself and not wanting to be adored for someone he isn’t.

“I honestly think back and think if I had just shut my mouth, like everyone is saying to do now, I’d be the best player in the world,” Mitchell said.

“I was 18 coming in, I was like a young Reece Walsh. As I gradually started to grow and find a voice, it became about ‘OK, what am I passionate about?’. That’s my people. That’s my culture. That’s my family.

That’s all I started talking about and that’s when that picture was painted of being a bad guy. Talking about what I believed in, a lot of people disagreed. That made them turn against me.”

“Let me play. Allow me to be who I am. Don’t make up these yarns to portray me to your audience as a bad man. I just feel like people hate me, but they don’t know me.”

But, as is pointed out to him, Mitchell has never dropped his guard long enough to allow anyone to see him for who he really is.

Because a lot of people paint me as the villain all the time, so I just shut the doors on who I am as a person,” he fires back.

“That’s how I am now because of how I’ve been shit on. If media just actually shut up and let me play ... honestly, if you just shut up and let me play, I honestly think I’d amaze you how I play the game.

“I haven’t forgotten how to play to footy. I know how to entertain. But everything else is weighing me down. I wish the media would just let me play and let me be me, you’d get more good stories than bad. But that doesn’t sell papers.”

Desperate to show his critics that he couldn’t care less for their barbs, Mitchell disregards their pleas for him to “shut up and play”.

Instead, he rebels. The outbursts are his way of giving the middle finger to those in the media, and faceless keyboard warriors on social media, who he wants to convince that he couldn’t care less about.

That, as he recognises, is a facade. A protection mechanism for caring too much about what’s being said about him.

I don’t need to go and look at the comments for people to tell me I’ve played a shit game,” Mitchell said.

“If I’ve played a shit game I know I have played a shit game. But at the same time if I have a good game, I’m going in there to read them. It’s not a good space to be in.”

The world Mitchell seeks doesn’t exist. The biggest names demand the most sensational headlines. It comes with the territory and the pay packet. He knows that, as much as he loathes it.

When he injected himself into the racism furore surrounding Ezra Mam and Spencer Leniu in Las Vegas, he did so without fear of consequence.

How he responds to joining Leniu in Blues camp on Monday will be an intriguing subplot to his Origin recall.

“Me being who I am, I can’t help but stick up for my people,” he said.

It’s my right. It’s my right to stick up for Ezra. Regardless of nationality, racism is racism. I couldn’t shut my mouth on that. The stigma around being Aboriginal is just ‘shut up and stand in line’. That’s what I think about when people say just shut up and play. It’s not who I am.”

The story soon shifted. Within hours of the “monkey” slur allegations, attention turned to Mitchell’s defence of Mam, later sparking a war of words on social media between the South Sydney No.1 and Anthony Mundine in the ensuing days.

“Was it even worth it?” Mitchell asks.

“For me taking all the heat off Ezra, which I don’t care [about] because I’ll take the shirt off my back for anyone. But when I stuck up for him, the narrative got turned back on me.

I wasn’t in that game. I didn’t call anyone anything. But because of who I am, because of who I am perceived as, the narrative turns on me.”

The fact it was the Roosters at the centre of the story didn’t help the situation.

South Sydney powerbrokers will tell you that Mitchell’s old club have been running a whispering campaign against their former premiership-winning player since he walked out of Bondi bound for Redfern.

When you ask Mitchell about it, he bites his tongue.

“I love the Roosters and what I got to achieve there,” he said. “They gave me my opportunity … but there’s something there. Something is still burning.
I think it goes too far at times.

“I had the wrong people in my corner. I was taken advantage of at times. I was young and naive. It’s done now. They know who they are. Karma is karma.”

Mitchell’s defence of Mam opened the door for his critics to begin attacking him. Some of those attacks became personal in nature.

Two weeks later, following a loss to Brisbane at Suncorp Stadium, Mitchell dropped a series of F-bombs in an expletive-laden interview on Triple M.

He admits he was out of line, but the noise surrounding him over the previous fortnight spoke to a man struggling to deal with the spotlight that was once again fixed on him as a consequence of his desire to fight for his people.

“I think that was a cry for help,” Mitchell said. “I’d just had enough.”

Mitchell didn’t grow up with much. His parents used to sleep in the loungeroom of their Taree home just to give him and his brothers their own room to share.

Up to 10 of his cousins would jam into the house on any given evening – school nights included – creating memories that Mitchell still clings on to.

“You’d be wondering where your mad shirt is, then you’d go play footy down the road and your cousin’s got your mad shirt on,” he said. “They’re the memories I love.”

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He grew up watching MTV show Cribs, peeping into the lifestyle of the rich and famous not realising the road life would lead him down.

The reality check was the months he would spend as a 15-year-old working as a dairy farmer, triggering an understanding of the life football could help him avoid.

“I said, ‘nah, I can’t do this any more. This is literally a shit job’,” he said.

“Those fellas – I respect them so much getting up every morning and afternoon, but I couldn’t do it. I knew I was good at footy, but my attitude wasn’t the best. You might’ve heard that.

“For me to experience that life as a dairy farmer, I made sure I chased my dream of playing in the NRL.”

The very life he escaped is now the escape from the life he chased. His properties in Taree, where he runs a beef cattle farm operated by his father, Matthew, have become his outlet to hide from the world he constantly feels is closing in on him.

His old coach, ‘Poppy Wayne’, as Mitchell refers to Wayne Bennett, understands more than most just how therapeutic a trip back to nature and your roots can have on one’s state of mind.

Bennett has travelled back and forth to his country Queensland farm throughout his entire career, and encouraged Mitchell to do the same during his three seasons in charge at the Bunnies.

But over time, trips back to his farm have been portrayed as a lack of commitment to South Sydney. When accusations of special treatment afforded to Mitchell surfaced last year, his work-life balance was put under the spotlight.

“Where’s the special treatment come from? Why?” Mitchell asked.

Just because I love going to my farm as an outlet to get away from all this shit that goes on, I’m looked at as a bad guy. Wayne let the others do things, too, but because it’s me it’s different? Go and buy a farm. Go and do it. I did it. Come with me. I took Cameron [Murray] up. That’s my outlet. That’s me.

“Just because you have your family here, don’t put that on me. Don’t give me your burden. I don’t have babysitters here. I’d like to go and take my missus out every night to Chin Chins. But my life isn’t like that. I’ve got to travel three hours to go and see my family. That’s what I sacrificed to move here and chase a dream. People don’t understand that.”

Mitchell is passion personified. That, perhaps, is what happens when your father names you after controversial NBA player Latrell Sprewell, who was renowned for playing the game in a state of rage in the 1990s.

“My dad’s a freaky fella,” Mitchell jokes.

Comparing Mitchell to a player who was suspended for 82 games and lost a $6 million shoe endorsement after choking his coach at training may be a stretch.

But the same symptoms of white line fever have plagued Mitchell in a career that has been marred by a series of incidents of overstepping the mark.

“The way I act on-field is a bit of frustration from off the field,” Mitchell said.

The way I act out, it’s not a way to play footy. It’s not the game I fell in love with. Acting out and having these short bursts of anger – that’s not me. It’s what’s building up inside over time.

“Through the week, through the months, through the years of people constantly at me. I take that frustration on the field, and that doesn’t help.”

Those close to ‘TrellMit’ will tell you of plenty of good stories about the country boy who turned 27 on Sunday.

They’ll tell you about the community work he does, the time he gives to children and the larger-than-life personality that lights up any room he walks into.

“I feel like if I get to the end of my career, I’ll look back proud knowing that I knew who I was,” he said.

“I definitely want to put a lot more work into being the player everyone loves and wants to see. But the person off the field ... I’ll never change that. If you sat down with me at the pub and had a beer, I’m not a bad bloke.”

That beer isn’t something he’s been able to share with Sam Burgess since his dramatic exit from the club leading into the do-or-die final round showdown against arch rivals the Sydney Roosters last year.

Burgess’ concerns, revealed in the Herald last year after he voiced his frustrations with how Demetriou was treating the star duo of Mitchell and Cody Walker, have been eating away at the Bunnies No.1.

“I had a great relationship with Sammy,” Mitchell said.

“I don’t know what happened. I still don’t know what’s going until I sit down and have a proper talk to him. I was playing golf with him every week, cooeeing and laughing. We had a great connection. I don’t know where this conversation came from.

“I felt like we were doing alright. I felt like we trained hard. But people have their own agendas, and they took advantage of who was in their way. People dragged me in to make themselves feel better and drag the spotlight away from them. I still don’t know the truth to this day.”

Mitchell drove around the Shire on the night former South Sydney coach Jason Demetriou was sacked earlier this year. He’d been to his house before but didn’t know the address.

He drove around for a while, trying to remember some of the streets and houses, before finally arriving at the dumped coach’s home unannounced.

Mitchell felt awful for a coach with whom he had developed a strong relationship, and wanted to spend time with him in his hour of need.

A part of him felt guilty that he’d been on the sidelines through suspensionwhen his coach’s career was on life support. That guilt extended to his club and teammates.

“The reason they wanted me at this club is because of what I can do on the field, and I love them for it,” Mitchell said.

“Being questioned about whether I was passionate enough for the jersey, was a lot of bullshit and unwarranted, but my footy wasn’t doing the talking for me. I let myself down. I let my coach down.

“I disappointed my teammates, which I promised myself I wouldn’t do this year. I’m a big feeler, so as soon as that tackle [involving Shaun Johnson] happened, I knew I let them down. I love my teammates. I’d die for them on the field, that’s how much I love them. I hope the club knows that.”

Mitchell won’t have to convince Bennett of that when he arrives for pre-season training next year.

The pair have a special bond that almost delivered the Bunnies a premiership during the coach’s previous three-year reign at the helm.

Mitchell missed the 2021 grand final against Penrith, again through suspension, after collecting former teammate Joey Manu across the face in a collision that broke his cheekbone. The debt hasn’t been paid.

“I still owe [Wayne] a grand final,” Mitchell said.
“I love Wayne. I love him to death. We just played for the bloke. I want to play footy for the man. We’re a top four side, any day of the week. Everyone knows it.

“I want to win a grand final at Souths. That’s what I’m chasing. I’m still chasing it. I’ve come here and told anyone who has been on my journey that a premiership for Souths is what I want to do. I want to finish on a high.”

In the days after Bennett was announced as South Sydney coach for 2025 and beyond, the veteran coach called his most valuable asset.

“I’m coming back, mate,” Mitchell recounts of the phone call doing his best Bennett impersonation.

“I need ya,” Mitchell responded, to which Bennett replied “yes, yes you do.”

Mitchell – in a sight we rarely see – bursts into laughter.

“He’s a cheeky bastard, Wayne.”
What an interview, I literally have tears in my eyes.

I've never met Trell, but one hope I have before this shitty cancer takes me is to meet the guy, would give anything to sit down over a coffee and chat to him.
What an interview, I literally have tears in my eyes.

I've never met Trell, but one hope I have before this shitty cancer takes me is to meet the guy, would give anything to sit down over a coffee and chat to him.
He is a great interviewee.
Which was something that had to be addressed because watching a QLD Legend like Arthur Beetson playing for NSW in a blue jumper was an absolutely ridiculous situation and had to be changed.

Beetson played 18 games for NSW and only 3 for QLD.
Almost as ridiculous as GI playing for QLD
Almost as ridiculous as GI playing for QLD.

Well if you're doing it on place of birth, which you must be because GI qualified via his juniors time for QLD with Wavell State High so I assume his birth place is your issue, then a more ridiculous one would be Sterling playing for NSW.
A bench of De Belin, Pangai Jnr, Duncan and Gray could be entertaining.

See what happens I guess.

Now that's a better NSW side. Much better. I love how a couple of Bunnies have been called in to save the series, one of them should have been there in the first place. Congrats to Trell and Cam, I can't wait to see them go at it. This is actually a really good side now I reckon and it should be a much better contest.

Queensland's team is as expected I guess, extremely strong.

The fuse is lit after that!!! This is gonna be a great build up.
Only Graham and Tatola are first grade standard in that list. Munro will be, just not yet.

This is a reason NSW is shit/don't get origin.

Club football has nothing to do with rep footy. Support your state FFS! There is a more tangible, common reason to support NSW than a club - we are all NSWmen. Instead, support seems to be optional based on who is in the team (club bias), and then it's a fingers crossed they don't get injured instead of them contributing to a win.

Imagine German Bayern Munich fans or Spanish Real Madrid fans wanting England to win the Euros because Harry Kane or Jude Bellingham play in their team. This is the situation we have in NSW with Origin. It's ridiculous.

Why even play the game? Hand QLD the trophy. Supporters in NSW are such soft cocks.
Who won Origin in 1987?
From Zero Tackle:-

Is Latrell Mitchell the right option?

Latrell Mitchell re-enters the Origin arena for the first time since 2021 with a massive point to prove.

He has missed the last seven State of Origin matches through a mix of injury, form and suspensions, but his last couple of weeks at club level for the Rabbitohs probably go to show he is well and truly back, and more importantly, primed for a big performance for the Blues.

The bottom line is that the Blues needed to select a game-breaker in replacing Suaalii. Someone who could flip a game on its head in minutes.

Mitchell can do that.

Bradman Best, who was excellent for the Knights yesterday, will be undoubtedly disappointed to have lost his spot, and Jesse Ramien could also consider himself unlucky.

But in attempting to save the series, Maguire had to take risks. Mitchell is undoubtedly a risk, but he also has as much potential reward to his selection as any player who will take to the park for Game 2.

It's the call the Blues simply had to make.

Cameron Murray must make all the difference

One of the big calls from Maguire is to bring Cameron Murray back into the side.

He has only played a single game back for the Rabbitohs from injury - and not a full game at that - but if you're asking me, Murray off half a game of rugby league is still a better prospect than most players off full fitness.

Being slotted straight into the starting side shows exactly how valued Murray is for the Blues, and what they missed in the opener. You only need to look at the night and day difference between the opening two games last year (when Isaah Yeo started) against Game 3 (when Murray started) to understand what he brings to a rugby league side.

Murray is the best lock forward in the competition. There is really no doubt about that.

He needs to bring that talent, class and form to the Blues though if they are going to turn this series around on the hallowed turf of the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
People wondering if Latrell is the right option, or stating they like him in the side but have ‘concerns’ is peak 2024 overthinking. People are too smart for their own good.

Guy is quite possibly the biggest game breaker on either side.

The question isn’t should he be there Game 2, it’s why wasn’t he there Game 1.
