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Church of Climatology

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Trouble is Bops people dont realize how small the man made component of the atmosphere is, it is in fact tiny.
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Trouble is Bops people dont realize how small the man made component of the atmosphere is, it is in fact tiny.
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No-one disputes the figures on CO2 as a percentage of the Earth's atmosphere and this seem to match the scientific consensus. Along wth water vapor that's enough to hold some heat in the atmosphere (enough to stop us freezing) but if you increase the amount of the gas then the CO2 will hold more heat in.

The amount of CO2 is the atmosphere is rising fairly quickly - the only plausible source for that is human activity, which is logical where you consider that burning fossil fuels emits CO2and we are burning a very large amount of fossil fuel.


My concern is that science cherry picks data and the range where accurate readings have been taken is small, look at the ice age, 1 mile of ice covered much of the UK, then the climate warmed, what cause this variation?, then the little ice age of the 14th century, what caused that and the following warming of the climate?, it just irks me that every flood, bushfire , drought or hot spell is called climate change, you know here in Brisbane we had one of our coolest summers on record, only about 4 days where the temperature got over 32 degrees.

No-one disputes the figures on CO2 as a percentage of the Earth's atmosphere and this seem to match the scientific consensus. Along wth water vapor that's enough to hold some heat in the atmosphere (enough to stop us freezing) but if you increase the amount of the gas then the CO2 will hold more heat in.

The amount of CO2 is the atmosphere is rising fairly quickly - the only plausible source for that is human activity, which is logical where you consider that burning fossil fuels emits CO2and we are burning a very large amount of fossil fuel.

I do walk the walk (almost everywhere), and ride the bike, as much as possible. These are just silly arguments.
Good on you, I do too but it's not a silly argument, every time I see lines at the airport on the news I wonder how many of those people want coal-fired power generation stopped and then go and jump on an aircraft to go on holidays while spewing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.........interesting that the media and celebrities never mention this.
I think that's going a bit far. If you beleive the planet is about to be destroyed (e.g., Greta Thunberg) then you should cut out everything to do with fossil fuels (like Thunberg). But if you see that fossil fuels are causing a gradual change in the climate then it would be wise to limit you contribution to the use of fossil fuels.

Climate change is just not as catastrophic as was predicted - it is real but not a complete disaster. Indeed there may be benefits in some parts of the world. Blaming every flood or bushfire on climate change is silly.

Getting solar panels, walking to the shops, etc, is the way to go. The rush to wind and solar by various governments is unwise because of the pace at which we are doing it.

Agree Bops, but Andy and Mega think like young Greta.

Just on Greta I must agree with her when she said that all many people worry about is "growth and money".......that is true. ;)
Good on you, I do too but it's not a silly argument, every time I see lines at the airport on the news I wonder how many of those people want coal-fired power generation stopped and then go and jump on an aircraft to go on holidays while spewing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.........interesting that the media and celebrities never mention this.
There are literally hundreds of articles about this in the media. Just google it. One example.

I don't choose the society I was born in or live in. I can't go and live in a cave even if I wanted to. Not only illegal but I probably wouldn't survive. Therefore I do a lot to reduce my consumption. I have not been on a plane in 5 years at least. I won't go into detail about everything I do, but my life is quite different to most. I also think this can be solved through the use of better technologies which is why I bother to take part in threads like this, even though I think they're mostly pointless.
My concern is that science cherry picks data and the range where accurate readings have been taken is small, look at the ice age, 1 mile of ice covered much of the UK, then the climate warmed, what cause this variation?, then the little ice age of the 14th century, what caused that and the following warming of the climate?, it just irks me that every flood, bushfire , drought or hot spell is called climate change, you know here in Brisbane we had one of our coolest summers on record, only about 4 days where the temperature got over 32 degrees.
I don't think "science" cherry picks but I agree some alarmists do. That's the problem we have a lot of reputable scientists who don't say silly things but then the likes of Al Gore, Tim Flannery, etc, turn it into something that we should panic about.

The planet is warming - that's a very clear trend over the last 30 to 40 years. Is it natural warming? It's unlikely to be given the speed and since we have an increase in CO2 (sufficient to trap more heat) it's reasonable to conclude it's the culprit. You are right about Australia's temperature this year but the trend has been upwards - one year doesn't tell us a lot.

And we might find ourselves with a better climate as a result of all this. Who knows? We've just had three La Ninas in a row (counting the one at present) - that's more rain and perhaps more flooding. But it has produced a run of great farming seasons. To be honest I'd take the deal if we had more flooding but better rain in the interior, our faming heartland. We can do something about the floods (raise the level of Warragamba dam, build more weirs and dams in northern NSW and SE Queensland, etc). It would be logical to raise the level of Warragamba even if there was no impact from climate change - Australia still has lots of floods. Some climate change mitigation in many cases is something you'd do anyway so even if we are wrong about the impact of climate change it's money well spent.

So I'm happy to move away from fossil fuels. I just want it done gradually and systematically. Artificial targets like those for 2030 or 2050 don't matter.

Agree with renewable if economic and reliable , which is a big drama at, and 40 years is such a short period in earths history, i could show you lots of headlines from scientists last century declaring the world was heading for another ice age , and just try and remember how many "climate scientists" you need if climate change is just within a natural range?.

So I'm happy to move away from fossil fuels. I just want it done gradually and systematically. Artificial targets like those for 2030 or 2050 don't matter.

We need to set an example, but countries like China, US, India need to be the ones at the forefront. We used to be a nation that was looked up to.

Sorry but its delusional to think that any other country gives a flying **** what we think. Especially those you named. We do not NEED to set an examole and why do you feel we need to be looked up to?
Therefore I do a lot to reduce my consumption. I have not been on a plane in 5 years at least. I won't go into detail about everything I do, but my life is quite different to most.
Seriously, that’s wonderful that you do but the cries for others to do so is misplaced.
There are literally hundreds of articles about this in the media. Just google it. One example.

I don't choose the society I was born in or live in. I can't go and live in a cave even if I wanted to. Not only illegal but I probably wouldn't survive. Therefore I do a lot to reduce my consumption. I have not been on a plane in 5 years at least. I won't go into detail about everything I do, but my life is quite different to most. I also think this can be solved through the use of better technologies which is why I bother to take part in threads like this, even though I think they're mostly pointless.
Here's a first, basically I agree with you. ;)

Where do you live Andy, maybe we could catch up for a coffee?
Rather than point only at countries who ALL need to pull their fingers out, pull their weight and do their fair share without finger pointing at others (justifiably or not) and making BS excuses, what's most needed is the big polluters in the corporate world, and naturally the fossil fuel industries in particular, need to make serious, real and gradual change before it will be too late.

The individual world citizen making adjustment makes little difference but it all adds up. At the individual level, people can and should gradually cut down on their carbon footprint too, sure, but there's no need to suddenly live in a cave and no logical justification for being branded as a hypocrite if you don't instantly abandon all modern life. That's just stupid.

As renowned French philosopher, Voltaire once wrote, "Common sense is not so common."
Rather than point only at countries who ALL need to pull their fingers out, pull their weight and do their fair share without finger pointing at others (justifiably or not) and making BS excuses, what's most needed is the big polluters in the corporate world, and naturally the fossil fuel industries in particular, need to make serious, real and gradual change before it will be too late.

The individual world citizen making adjustment makes little difference but it all adds up. At the individual level, people can and should gradually cut down on their carbon footprint too, sure, but there's no need to suddenly live in a cave and no logical justification for being branded as a hypocrite if you don't instantly abandon all modern life. That's just stupid.

As renowned French philosopher, Voltaire once wrote, "Common sense is not so common."
One of the "big polluters" as you call them is the airline industry so it will help if you and people that think like you stop flying on them and then there might be enough carbon offset so that the true battlers (who can't afford to go anywhere) would be able to have enough affordable power to cook their food and heat their homes in winter.
Here's a first, basically I agree with you. ;)

Where do you live Andy, maybe we could catch up for a coffee?
That would be a first

Id have a coffee but live in Brissie and dont get to Sydney much. Maybe next time Im down.

I know I can argue and probably annoy a lot of you but its born out of frustration, plus I know Im right :p
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