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Israel and Palestine

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Ireland has come out in support of peace!
They know a lot about arseholes they had the Anglo Normans invading/ruling their country for about 900 years!
Now the rest of Europe and the highly intelligent Irish could influence America to realise they aren’t peacemakers?
I think I can stop debating you. Nothing was predicted 3000 years ago. Nothing.
Just answering to your rebuke of me, not to be preachy but here is a little directive on some ancient history that may help to explain why we are still talking about all this strife in the Middle East.

If nothing else it could be interesting and helpful at the same time. Very weird that a book that is so old could be so informative and still relate to the present happenings ?

No obligation to read it please……..

No, it could not.
(maybe I should consult my tea leaves)
The next step would be for a confederation of islamic states to overrun Israel and this war could be the catalyst for that to happen.
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Cant see why the Aussie tax payer should be paying for SBS when it is clearly so bias..

SBS bans staff from using words relating to Israel-Hamas war​

11 hours ago

Sky News Australia can reveal SBS has banned staff from using a range of words, including "Hamas", "ISIS" and "declared terrorist organisations" from their posts on Facebook.
The extraordinary guidelines were given to some employees from foreign language programs, but the network denies it is censorship.
Hamas is a prescribed terror organisation in Australia and its actions have been compared by some world leaders to ISIS and the Nazis.
An SBS spokesperson said staff are not being “editorially censored” in any coverage of the conflict in Gaza and Israel.
“SBS is committed to providing comprehensive coverage of the Middle East conflict across all our language services, as the guidance to staff makes clear,” the spokesperson continued.
Very weird that someone could believe that a 3000 year old book actually predicts anything about the future.
I read your link. 🤷‍♂️
Not even a tad bit curious that this characters with those lineages in those areas of the Middle East all line up with Israel, Palestine, the Arabs, Ishmael, Abraham etc etc.

All just coincidence that was written thousands of years ago?

Pretty good coincidence from largely illiterate goat farmers from 1000 BC ?
Some very good points on where we are at as a liberal society with a non discriminatory immigration policy, we have ended up in a very precarious position..
A short but honest history lesson on the ongoing violence.
A short but honest history lesson on the ongoing violence.
Thanks for the explanation from a conservative Jewish man’s perspective.
Who would have thought he sees the Israelis as the squeaky clean innocent good guys and the arabs as the forever bad guys (just like in the the Hollywood movies).
To be fair could you find a similar presentation from a Palestinian commentator’s perspective so we can compare.
For sure i agree, but the truth in what he said re the great percentage of Palestine and every other Arab country declaring that Israel has no right to exist prevents any form of peace , so no matter which side your sympathies side with this fact cant be denied, they dont want peace, they wish to destroy Israel and its people.
Thanks for the explanation from a conservative Jewish man’s perspective.
Who would have thought he sees the Israelis as the squeaky clean innocent good guys and the arabs as the forever bad guys (just like in the the Hollywood movies).
To be fair could you find a similar presentation from a Palestinian commentator’s perspective so we can compare.
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Instead of bullshitting endlessly why don’t you mob get out it in the streets and demonstrate your enthusiasm for democratic principles and Christian compassion.
No balls brigade,let’s have a debate!
Weak as piss,the Christians what a load of rubbish you all are.More like Baal and his mates!
Gutless wonders!😃😃😃
Instead of bullshitting endlessly why don’t you mob get out it in the streets and demonstrate your enthusiasm for democratic principles and Christian compassion.
No balls brigade,let’s have a debate!
Weak as piss,the Christians what a load of rubbish you all are.More like Baal and his mates!
Gutless wonders!😃😃😃
Not sure you know anyone on this site, the posters and the lives they live. Who they interact with or what they do in their own community.

You seem to have lost the idea that this is just a footy forum with a general topic thread. We all get a choice to click on it , read it, respond to posts put or own posts up or simple ignore it, delete it , hit the red button 🤷🏻‍♂️

Largely it seems to be conducted in the right manner with most respectfully agreeing or disagreeing. This has and will always be the best manner in which people learn, change or understand better what and why the believe what the believe.

Name calling, abusing, threats, and head in the sand type behavior is no good and unhelpful to one and all. Not sure of your post but it comes across as you don’t want a bar of interacting respectfully and are now throwing challenges and threats to those you disagree with. My apologies if I have read you wrong.

Just my opinion.
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