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Attitudes on Domestic Violence

My wife and myself marched to other week for the violence against women campaign
It was a great turnout and we were hoping for some significant speeches at the rally at Hyde park when it ended
We were disappointed
The first speech was from the lady who had organised the day
An indigenous woman who was sexually assaulted and not believed or taken seriously by the police.

Not surprised. There is a strong history of complaints by indigenous women about DV to be dismissed.

A sad case however the fact she used the experience to go on a rant about how this is the fault of colonisation and it all started with the first fleet was a bit to much

Do we have any records or details about DV before colonisation? Maybe she has a point.

Don’t get me wrong , she had good points but I felt this day wasn’t for that
The second speaker was a Palestinian woman who talked only about how Isralies were raping Palestinian women and use this as a weapon

Considering we have not yet witnessed a single war including WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Middle East etc in which rapes were not widespread I'd say she is correct. Sadly it has become part of war.

Of course the supporters of the terrorists known as the IDF will tell us the Israelis are the only soldiers in history not to rape women.

Again good points . ( Although a little irony in a Muslim woman complaining about Jewish treatment of women) however I was of the opinion that the day was about changing attitudes of society and men in particular as well as doing something today to stop the next Molly( the mother murdered in Forbes)
I must have missed something
I am very fortunate, I am a boomer who has never been impacted by domestic violence. My father was a humble, intelligent man who never raise a hand to my mother, my brother or I.

However, I do have some strong views on it. Naturally it should not be tolerated and like racism should be called out. The thing that get me about extreme cases is the personality mix where control and forgiveness develops. One party will eventually dominate the other and the other party will become submissive. It is a weird dichotomy in which equality in not present. Then there is the love factor. They said they apologise and will not do it again and I love them. Then when the party how is not trying to be dominate tries to remove themselves from the situation possessiveness and obsession takes over the party who was trying to be dominate. They can't walk away. Why not is the question? I just do not understand that part. Why become obsessive? Why can't they let go? Is it ego? Is it arrogance?
From the Australian.

Article Image

‘There’s a hardening of attitudes amongst young men that it’s all gone too far’​

In a rare and thought-provoking interview, Julia Gillard reframes her misogyny speech, admitting feminists like herself have not brought young men along on the journey. SUBSCRIBE to read the full story
What a load of absolute bullshit, thousands were not slaughtered, their casualty count was around 1200 and has not risen in the ensuing months.

View attachment 2520

Meanwhile the terrorists from Israel have murdered in excess of 38,000 Palestinians.

Stop lying, stop being ignorant, and do some research.
You should not be supporting genocide.
The most amount of trans people in the Middle East is in Gaza!
Thousands of Hamas men are identifying as women and children.....
I know more about the Middle East situation then you because I have lived there for a number of years.
You get your information from Hamas Propoganda
The most amount of trans people in the Middle East is in Gaza!
Thousands of Hamas men are identifying as women and children.....
I know more about the Middle East situation then you because I have lived there for a number of years.
You get your information from Hamas Propoganda
Are you ok?

I have no idea what trans people and the middle east have to do with my original post, but keep gibbering if it makes you feel good.
Are you ok?

I have no idea what trans people and the middle east have to do with my original post, but keep gibbering if it makes you feel good.
You are quoting 38,000 deaths in Gaza.
Most of those numbers are made up by the Ministry of Health which is run by Hamas.
Every civilian killed in Gaza is on the hands of Hamas due to their fighting within civilian populated areas.
You are ignorant of the facts in Gaza and have taken in Hamas Propoganda....
Do I feel bad for innocent women and children killed - yes!
Who is responsible? Hamas when they started the war on October 7
You are quoting 38,000 deaths in Gaza.
Most of those numbers are made up by the Ministry of Health which is run by Hamas.
Every civilian killed in Gaza is on the hands of Hamas due to their fighting within civilian populated areas.
You are ignorant of the facts in Gaza and have taken in Hamas Propoganda....
Do I feel bad for innocent women and children killed - yes!
Who is responsible? Hamas when they started the war on October 7
Nothing to do with my original post. It was actually about an Aussie media report, nothing to do with the middle east. You seem dazed and confused. Feel free to read it again, grasp it, and respond on topic if you feel a need.

Also, i get my figures mostly from the UN.
