I think it is incredibly important people actually talk about this.
It is beyond ridiculous that normal people are circumventing their true beliefs in order to not be thought of as "that guy".
The game of rugby league in Australia almost went to the brink of bankruptcy during Covid.
Tough decisions were made. People were sacked, jobs made redundant.
The money started flowing in.
Now we sit back and watch it get blown horribly on this ridiculous competition.
The game simply cannot afford to hire stadiums, police, security, food vendors. Send television crews and commentators. Pay for flights, hotels. Insurances, etcetcetc on this product.
The NSW Cup final was not shown on Fox or 9 last year and nor is it being show this year.
The superbowl type final between the NSW Cup and Qld Cup was the precursor to the womans grand final FFS.
Forget everything about misoginy or whatever.
Financial respsonsiblity dictates that this cannot continue to happen.
We are knowingly watching the money the male code makes be thrown away in the name of god knows what.
Yet it's the conversation they just don't want to accept they need to have.