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Attitudes on Domestic Violence


4 Sep 2017
Reaction score
Was llistening to the news on radio this morning and they ran a report on someone done for DV, didn't catch the name or location.

However the news reader said, and I quote: "He has a history of domestic violence, but nothing significant".

Excuse moi?

Is it just me or is having a history of DV itself actually significant?

I nearly fell off my seat when I heard that.
My wife and myself marched to other week for the violence against women campaign
It was a great turnout and we were hoping for some significant speeches at the rally at Hyde park when it ended
We were disappointed
The first speech was from the lady who had organised the day
An indigenous woman who was sexually assaulted and not believed or taken seriously by the police. A sad case however the fact she used the experience to go on a rant about how this is the fault of colonisation and it all started with the first fleet was a bit to much
Don’t get me wrong , she had good points but I felt this day wasn’t for that
The second speaker was a Palestinian woman who talked only about how Isralies were raping Palestinian women and use this as a weapon
Again good points . ( Although a little irony in a Muslim woman complaining about Jewish treatment of women) however I was of the opinion that the day was about changing attitudes of society and men in particular as well as doing something today to stop the next Molly( the mother murdered in Forbes)
I must have missed something
Sorry to hear that Hutcho. That’s the problem. Worthwhile causes are always highjacked and blame for such horrible instances are then thrown across a whole group, all supposedly who are the problem.
So the indigenous lady is trying to make out there was no domestic violence before settlement, well that would make a lovely fairytale and another " its all our fault" blame game line, as for Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women?, have not heard that before and very much doubt it..
My wife and myself marched to other week for the violence against women campaign
It was a great turnout and we were hoping for some significant speeches at the rally at Hyde park when it ended
We were disappointed
The first speech was from the lady who had organised the day
An indigenous woman who was sexually assaulted and not believed or taken seriously by the police. A sad case however the fact she used the experience to go on a rant about how this is the fault of colonisation and it all started with the first fleet was a bit to much
Don’t get me wrong , she had good points but I felt this day wasn’t for that
The second speaker was a Palestinian woman who talked only about how Isralies were raping Palestinian women and use this as a weapon
Again good points . ( Although a little irony in a Muslim woman complaining about Jewish treatment of women) however I was of the opinion that the day was about changing attitudes of society and men in particular as well as doing something today to stop the next Molly( the mother murdered in Forbes)
I must have missed something
as for Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women?, have not heard that before and very much doubt it..

Why do you doubt it?

Historically it's a very common thing during times of war.
My wife and myself marched to other week for the violence against women campaign
It was a great turnout and we were hoping for some significant speeches at the rally at Hyde park when it ended
We were disappointed
The first speech was from the lady who had organised the day
An indigenous woman who was sexually assaulted and not believed or taken seriously by the police. A sad case however the fact she used the experience to go on a rant about how this is the fault of colonisation and it all started with the first fleet was a bit to much
Don’t get me wrong , she had good points but I felt this day wasn’t for that
The second speaker was a Palestinian woman who talked only about how Isralies were raping Palestinian women and use this as a weapon
Again good points . ( Although a little irony in a Muslim woman complaining about Jewish treatment of women) however I was of the opinion that the day was about changing attitudes of society and men in particular as well as doing something today to stop the next Molly( the mother murdered in Forbes)
I must have missed something
It isn't Israelis raping Palestinian women (other way around - think October 7th when Hamas infiltrated Israel slaughtering thousands and raping women)
That speaker is full of crap!
It isn't Israelis raping Palestinian women (other way around - think October 7th when Hamas infiltrated Israel slaughtering thousands and raping women)
That speaker is full of crap!
Sounds like you are too!
It isn't Israelis raping Palestinian women (other way around - think October 7th when Hamas infiltrated Israel slaughtering thousands and raping women)
That speaker is full of crap!
What a load of absolute bullshit, thousands were not slaughtered, their casualty count was around 1200 and has not risen in the ensuing months.


Meanwhile the terrorists from Israel have murdered in excess of 38,000 Palestinians.

Stop lying, stop being ignorant, and do some research.
You should not be supporting genocide.
Domestic violence is terrible, my friends missus just threatened to kill him and any other woman he may take up with even though she is living with another bloke atm. :( shrug.gif
